All of our wines are single-vineyard wines. That is, all our wines have been made solely with the grapes grown on our vineyard here at Twisted Gum.
In the early years our wines were made using the facilities of a neighbouring winery. Then by 2015 we had accumulated sufficient funds to build a carefully planned and constructed state of the art micro winery on our property. Photos of our winery are provide on this page.
On the right we have a photo of our covered grape processing pad, where we crush and press the freshly picked grapes before transferring them into tanks in the winery shed to the right hand side of the pad.
On the left hand side of the pad we have a second shed which contains our climate controlled wine storage area and a separate dry goods area for empty bottles and cartons, etc.

We are a 2-person winemaking team. We do all the crushing, pressing, racking, fermenting and bottling together. Michelle has a science background and hence does most of the lab testing analysis for acid, sugar, SO2, etc. while Tim does a lot of the equipment purchasing and repairs.
Our winemaking philosophy is a simple one: Grow the best possible fruit in the vineyard, pick it by hand at optimal ripeness and then the winemaking follows easily. Let the fruit tell the story...

The winery is equipped with the highest quality stainless steel equipment. These include a crusher-destemmer, membrane press, must pump, variable capacity fermentation tanks with must doors and cooling jackets, electronically controlled refrigeration unit, 4-head manual bottler, single head screw capper, manual bottle labeller, and much more.
All equipment in the winery is portable, including all of the tanks which range in size from 100 to 2000 litres and are mounted on pallets. This allows us ultimate flexibility in premium quality small batch wine making.